If even the search on the OPAC [Bib Search] tab has no hits,
check the Kanji and spelling of keywords to see whether they are correct.
Are searching by "Article title" or "Article author"? Try searching by serial title. When you want to search by "Article title" or "Article author," try searching from the [Article Search] tab. In such cases, you may also be able to read the text of electronic journals from a personal computer.
If you still do not find the materials you are looking for, try searching from the [Other Univ.] tab or [Cross Search] tab. If you can confirm that the library of another institution possesses the materials you are looking for, you may be able to go directly to that library to use the materials there or get them from the library.
You can search for and obtain materials from the search screen by following the procedure below.
1. Search the holdings of other university libraries and the National Diet Library, and apply to get the book or a copy (ILL copy request and ILL borrowing request) from the relevant library. → Perform the search from the [Other Univ.] tab or the [Cross Search] tab.
2. Search the holdings of your neighborhood public library and university libraries, and visit the relevant library directly. → Perform the search from the [Cross Search] tab by selecting a neighborhood public library, university library, etc.
3. Perform a search from a bookstore, etc., and consider purchasing the materials there. → Select a bookstore and perform the search from the [Cross Search] tab.
4. Search the holdings of libraries outside Japan, and get the materials from the relevant library.
* Getting a book or inter-library loan from a library or other such other organization outside Japan takes a significantly long time. Due to a variety of reasons, it may also be impossible to get materials from libraries outside Japan. For details, consult the library staff.
On the Review List screen, you can check a list of bibliographies that have reviews. By clicking the RSS icon, you can check newly registered reviews in the RSS reader you normally use.
You can register a review from the bibliography details screen.
You can group multiple materials by adding a tag to the materials. You can search for a tag on the tag search screen to display a list of materials that have this tag.
Suppose you add a tag such as the following: "_____ seminar reference book" or "A must read for _____ class." Then, after a tag search, anyone can bring up the same list of materials.
For example, try clicking a tag in "New tags," "Recent tags," or "Popular tags." Then, materials that have these tags are displayed.
You can register tags on the search result list screen and the bibliography details screen.