J. Japan Chronicle Online

Japan?Chronicle  Remote Access: OK

This is the digital archive of the English-language weekly  Japan Chronicle , which was published in Kobe from 1902 to 1940 and then absorbed by the  Japan Times .A digital archive edition of  Japan Chronicle  is available from the inaugural issue in 1902 to the final issue in 1940 and including also its predecessor, the  Kobe Chronicle , published 1900 to 1901.

  ・Contents: "Japan Chronicle"weekly edition (including Commercial Supplement)
  ・Format: Full page image *Full text searchable
  ・Number of pages: Approximately 75,000 pages
  ・Language: English
  ・Original: Collection ofSchool of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London and TheBritish Library


URL   http://primarysources.brillonline.com/browse/japan-chronicle